Building Kingdom Businesses in Burundi

October 4, 2021

Sylvain NDUWIMANA, Aspire Launchpad Graduate

Country: Burundi

Business: Mobile money transfer

Industry: Financial services

 “Aspire helped me evaluate the marketplace, so I better understand how my business can honor God and serve my community.”

In the central African nation of Burundi, nearly two-thirds of the population lives in poverty. Although Burundi has made progress in stabilizing its economy, insufficient infrastructure and opportunities remain a challenge.


Many areas of the country lack access to financial services. Burundians often travel considerable distances and wait in long lines to handle transactions, which puts banking out of reach for many people.


Sylvain saw the need in his community.


Living in an area with limited banking access, Sylvain felt this need himself. Having previously worked on digital solutions in the financial sector, he thought his neighbors might benefit from a mobile banking option.


Aspire Launchpad helped him meet the need effectively.


As he worked to get his business idea off the ground, Sylvain heard about the Aspire Launchpad program. During the training, he learned new ways to assess the marketplace, so that he and his staff could target the right customer segments and more effectively explain the benefits of their solution.


In addition to getting better traction with customers, Sylvain also learned Kingdom Business principles to help him apply his faith. He sees his work as an outgrowth of God’s call on him to serve his community, both in helping others individually and committing to ethical practices and social responsibility.

Sinapis empowers entrepreneurs to transform business in Burundi.


A small group of Sinapis volunteers lead Aspire Launchpad courses in Burundi to help men and women honor God, serve their communities, and help to alleviate poverty with Kingdom-driven businesses. Burundi cohorts see the unique blend of business skills and biblical principles as an answer to prayer.

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