How Business Fits Into God's Big Story

May 28, 2024

Does business play a special role in God’s plan for the world? Or is the marketplace just a result of sin - where the best we can hope for is to make money to fund what really matters to God and share our faith with people along the way? 

During the 2024 FORGE Global Summit in Romania, Sinapis CEO, Matthew Rohrs challenged leaders from nearly 40 nations to consider how business and entrepreneurship fit into the big story of creation, fall, redemption, and restoration. 

At Sinapis, we believe the marketplace is a sacred call for Christ-following businesspeople to repair and restore broken lives and broken systems. God calls us to launch and grow companies that advance His kingdom. Profitable Kingdom businesses create and sustain jobs, alleviate poverty, and fuel the growth of the local and global Church, bringing the hope of Jesus economically, socially, spiritually, and environmentally. 

If you have 20 minutes, watch the video above. We hope it will encourage you in your calling and inspire you with the remarkable transformation that is happening in emerging and frontier markets around the world!

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