Creating Jobs: The Innovative Way to Fight Poverty

There’s no shortage of organizations sending money to alleviate poverty. Many address short-term needs through aid, mission trips and projects. But aid — while crucial during times of crisis — doesn’t create lasting change.

Sinapis exists to create long-term transformation.

We do it by empowering faith-driven entrepreneurs to create jobs. To us, investing in innovative entrepreneurs is like sowing seeds that will root down and eventually produce fruit.

That’s where our name comes from; “Sinapis” is the Latin word for mustard seed. We view businesses that glorify God as mustard seeds — big ideas that start small, brimming with potential. 

These ideas can be found in every community, where entrepreneurs have innovative visions for solving problems. They’re the best people to solve their community’s problems because they face them every day. When their ideas are nurtured, they become successful businesses that create jobs and opportunities. 

At Sinapis we believe that creating jobs is the best way to alleviate poverty.

Good jobs, in turn, create choices: Employees can make better decisions about their family’s health care, nutrition and education. And businesses support other businesses along the value chain, all because an entrepreneur had an idea. 

One distinctive of Sinapis’ approach is our emphasis on Jesus. The entrepreneurs who train with us live out their faith through their businesses, sharing the gospel with employees and customers. They treat employees fairly, conduct business with integrity, are active in their local churches and respond to their communities’ needs. They disciple others to do the same.

That’s how equipping entrepreneurs doesn’t just grow businesses — it also grows God’s Kingdom. We’re creating communities where people can grow and prosper. That tiny mustard seed becomes a plant that nurtures futures generations. That’s the power of Kingdom entrepreneurship. 

When you give to Sinapis, you empower entrepreneurs to create jobs in nations that desperately need them. You also affirm human dignity and make disciples of Jesus.

There’s a harvest waiting to be sowed. Let’s get planting.

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