Multiplier Impact - Rabboni Group Ltd - A Poverty Study

April 22, 2022

Sinapis has a 10+ year track record of rigorous collection and evaluation of impact data from the 1,600+ alumni we serve. To date, we have measured the transformation of the entrepreneurs we serve and the companies they lead as the primary indicator of our effectiveness. This is what we consider"direct" impact. However, until this study, we have not studied the progress of the people engaged by our alumni through their companies.

In this study, we focus on the "indirect" impact- people who benefit from our alumni's work. Providing one entrepreneur with training, coaching, access to capital, or connections may affect thousands in their community, many living at the bottom of the pyramid. This is our first inquiry into how we can measure and understand how the growth created by our "Multipliers" directly improves their customers' lives. We define "Multipliers" as entrepreneurs leading small and growing businesses with a profitable business model, a strong growth trajectory, and a passion for transforming their community economically, socially, and spiritually.

We chose one of our alumni whom we have worked with since 2018: Rabboni Group Limited, a grain aggregator and processor in Uganda that sources grain from over 3,500 farmers. In our research, we find that Rabboni's work to improve pricing and market access for maize farmers in their value chain increases incomes for these 3,500 farmers by approximately 5%, which translates to a $128,000 revenue gain across the entire group. The report summarizes recommendations and ways to help Rabboni strengthen its farmer support strategies as they pursue profitable business growth and long-term community transformation.

This initial study for Sinapis has given us several meaningful insights to explore as we look to support Multipliers. In addition, this study creates the foundation for further analysis with Rabboni Group and many other companies we work with throughout East Africa. We encourage you to read through the research and contact us with any comments or questions you have. 

You can review the document below or click to download a PDF of the report. Yvette Ondachi, East Africa Regional Director, offers some helpful perspectives on the struggles of smallholder farmers in East Africa in an article that can be found here.

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